Oktober 2020

11OktGanztätig13DezEtwas mehr als ArbeitKunstverein Göttingen im Alten Rathaus

With Armando Andrade Tudela, Carolin Bohlmann, Viola Eickmeier, Kasia Fudakowski, Kaufhaus des Ostens, Valentina Jager, Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen, Philipp Modersohn, Ana Navas, Anna M. Szaflarski

“Etwas mehr als Arbeit” (eng. “A little more than work”) comprises a constellation of objects, materials, processes and documents of art and design, art production and restoration. The group show examines the meaning of craft and manufacturing of contemporary art and asks who, how and under which conditions a work of art is produced and how this knowledge influences its perception. “Etwas mehr als Arbeit“ is conceived and realized in collaboration with the research platform Object Notes by Malte Roloff and Santiago da Silva.

Various positions from the art context are invited to think about concepts surrounding work, production, craft and fabrication within their practice. Works by artists Armando Andrade Tudela, Kasia Fudakowski, Valentina Jager, Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen, Philipp Modersohn, Ana Navas and Anna M. Szaflarski, the artwork producer Viola Eickmeier, the art conservator Carolin Bohlmann, as well as the experimental design project Kaufhaus des Ostens, contribute different views on work and craft, questioning production and skill, concepts of authorship and appropriation, as well as perceptions of artistic labour. Fundamental to the exhibition is an extended understanding of the art object, which does not just cover artworks, but also takes into consideration materials, processes and byproducts of artistic production.

“Etwas mehr als Arbeit“ exists in an intermediary state of productive incompleteness, on the intersection between craft, artwork, design object and mass product. The publication format, which is specifically designed for the exhibition, broadens the multidisciplinary approach of the project and assembles different contributions by the participants alongside an essay by British design historian Tanya Harrod. The publication titled “Just a Little Rest” is published in German and English by Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite.

Curated by: Malte Roloff, Santiago da Silva, Tomke Braun

Images by Marius Land, © Kunstverein Göttingen




October 11th 2020 , 12 noon

Due to the current hygiene and security regulations, we are only allowed a certain amount of visitors at a time, during our opening. Registration is requested: presseinfo@kunstvereingoettingen.de


Sun 18.10.2020, 3 pm
Dialog-based tour with Viola Eickmeier, Philipp Modersohn und Malte Roloff

Sun 08.11.2020, 3 pm
Sunday tour with the art mediators Lara Siegers and Max Holicki

Sun 22.11.2020, 3 pm
Sunday tour with the art mediators Lara Siegers and Max Holicki

Sun 06.12.2020, 3 pm
Dialog-based tour with Santiago da Silva, Rasmus Søndergaard Johannsen and Anna M. Szaflarski

An accordance with the current Protection against Infection Act, are equally limited to a certain amount of visitors. Registration is requested: kunstvermittlung@kunstvereingoettingen.de


The exhibition will be shown at the Alte Rathaus in cooperation with the Fachdienst Kultur der Stadt Göttingen.

Thank you to our funding partners:


11. Oktober (Sonntag) - 13. Dezember (Sonntag)


Kunstverein Göttingen im Alten Rathaus

Markt 9 | 37073 Göttingen


Tuesday – Sunday
11 am – 5 pm