H:iH:iTour of the exhibition "For Better Or WorseKunstverein Göttingen im Alten Rathaus

Tour of the exhibition with art historian Lara Siegers.

The group exhibition For Better Or Worse shows artistic positions by Josefin Arnell, Akinola Davies Jr., Isabella Fürnkäs, Sylbee Kim, Lorna Mills and Rory Pilgrim that deal with social relationships, their internal value systems, desires and ideals. Whilst, in the course of digitalization, resentments, accusations of alienation, and immersion in artificial worlds quickly become loud, For Better Or Worse, embarks on an endless search for new models of togetherness, interaction, family, friendship, and other social connections.


1. Januar (Donnerstag) - 1. Januar (Donnerstag)


Kunstverein Göttingen im Alten Rathaus

Markt 9 | 37073 Göttingen