Juni 2021
13Jun(Jun 13)00:0018Jul(Jul 18)00:00Yoav Admonigrowing concerns Kunstverein Göttingen
In the exhibition growing concerns, Yoav Admoni explores how the term nature has entered into patterns of thought and everyday life—as an allegory, an environment and a fantasy. The artist
In the exhibition growing concerns, Yoav Admoni explores how the term nature has entered into patterns of thought and everyday life—as an allegory, an environment and a fantasy. The artist simultaneously calls into question ascriptions such as ‘natural’ and ‘artificial’ and deals with the question of why nature appears to be a social place of longing. While the installation Camping addresses this longing, it becomes evident in other works that what is deemed ‘natura’l is subject to strict social evaluation mechanisms that possibly have to be put into question.
From a cultural perspective the exhibition makes it obvious that nature and the environment are not neutral refuges. Their concepts are to the same extent conflict-laden and can be used to discuss questions of historiography and power relations. In the performance and video piece A Threesome with Nature, Yoav Admoni sets his body in relation to his surroundings – for example, the border region between the United States and Mexico – and responds with artistic means to the histories and politics inscribed there.
The recreation of a historical Wardian case, a transportable greenhouse, developed specifically for the show offers a starting point for reflecting on appropriation processes, the migration of plants and science.
growing concerns brings together ideas on what surrounds us and what stories lie hidden there. And it provides an alternative view of what we perceive as ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’.
Yoav Admoni (*1983, Tel-Aviv / ISR) lives and works in Berlin. His interdisciplinary artistic activities comprise sculpture, performance, film, scenography, and dance. In research-based and oftentimes site-specific works, Admoni deals with nature as a social construct and what is inscribed in it, and therefore with how it can be conceived in an alternative way. growing concerns is the artist’s first solo show in Germany.
*The visit of the exhibition, our events as well as the mediation are made possible according to the current infection protection regulations. Information on the current status can be found here, or call 0551 44899.
The exhibition is produced in cooperation with the Old Botanical Garden of the Georg-August University Göttingen.
- Yoav Admoni, growing concerns, 13 Juni- 18 Juli 2021, Ausstellungsansicht mit Performancedokumentation “pour it” von Nanna Stigsdatter & Snorre Elvin, Mai 2021. Szenografie: Yoav Admoni (Detail). Foto: Marius Land
For the support we thank:
13. Juni (Sonntag) - 18. Juli (Sonntag)
Tuesday – Friday
2 pm – 6 pm
Saturday – Sunday
11 am – 5 pm