What a Year 2.0 – Art Education Exhibition 2020
The action-oriented, participatory and integrative art education of the Kunstverein Göttingen was challenging in 2020 under the impression of the COVID 19 pandemic. Within the scope of possibilities and security constraints, it was nevertheless possible to implement various projects in an adapted form. Several encounters and projects could still be created, from which the results are presented in the exhibition “WHAT A YEAR 2.0”.
Fragile Textile – my symbols. Workshop by Lilly Stehling
After visiting the exhibition “No Friends but the Mountains” by the artist Melike Kara, the students of the Otto-Hahn Gymnasium explored the history of the Kurdish Alevis and their deq-tatoos. Inspired by the works of Kara’s Diaries-series from 2020, the class developed its own symbolic language during the two project days and translated it into textile objects.
The potential of things. Workshop with the artist Camilla Steinum
As part of the exhibition „zusammen und getrennt“ by Camilla Steinum, the workshop “The potential of things” was realised in cooperation with the Max-Planck-Gymnasium. The students of the Max-Planck-Gymnasium Göttingen visited the exhibition and worked out the themes and contents of the exhibition. Afterwards, in a workshop phase lasting almost two weeks, a collaborative, room-sized sculpture was created in which the group dealt creatively with the questions: “What is my relationship to the things that surround me every day and how do they shape my everyday life?
Odyssey Future – creating digital worlds with photogrammetry
An art and integration project with the students of the BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule.
“Ties of Worldmaking” was the annual motto of the Kunstverein Göttingen 2020 and dealt with the possibilities of taking actively part in shaping our world. During the project week “Odyssey Future”, 41 students from the BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule focused on the challenges of the present. In various theoretical workshops run by experts – KAZ, Epiz, BtE, Boat People Project, GloboCut – the participants developed their own versions of and perspective on the future. This research was then used for their practical and artistic outcomes in which they built models based on the set design of historical to contemporary science fiction films and translated them into a digital world, using photogrammetry.
The gameworld of “Odyssey Future” can be explored in the exhibition.
The making-of, documented and created by the students, can also be seen in the exhibition.
“holiday blueprints” – experiments with cyanotype paper.
A workshop with Florian Winkler and the youth of Nachbarschaftszentrums Grone e.V.
During a visit to the group exhibition “Etwas mehr als Arbeit”, a group of children of Nachbarschaftszentrums Grone e.V. dived into the origins of everyday objects and playfully explored functions of design during the autumn holidays. Where do the things that surround us every day come from and why do they look the way they do? In the following project days, collages were created from found and brought objects, which were fixed on cyanotype paper by sunlight.
Upcycling – Craft and Design
Project by Lilly Stehling and the young adults from the VHS Göttingen Osterode gGmbH.
The project began with a research phase on climate change and sustainable living. Together with Lilly Stehling, the participants visited the group exhibition ” Etwas mehr als Arbeit“. Inspired by this exhibition, which was dedicated to the relationship between handicraft, design and fine arts, the group developed and implemented their own ideas on the topic of sustainable design and upcycling. During the workshop phase that lasted several weeks, the participant redesigned second-hand T-shirts.
Visit to the exhibition “What a Year 2.0” is currently only possible by appointment. Please register by telephone from 16. March on +49 551 400 2960 (Tue – Sun from 11 am – 5 pm). The exhibition will be extended until 11 April.
We look forward to your visit!
- What a Year 2.0 – Jahresausstellung Kunstvermittlung 2020. Image: Peter Heller, © Kunstverein Göttingen.
- Fragile Textile – my symbols. Workshop von Lilly Stehling mit Schüler*innen des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Fragile Textile – my symbols. Workshop von Lilly Stehling mit Schüler*innen des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums. Fragile Textile – my symbols. Workshop von Lilly Stehling mit Schüler*innen des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums. Foto: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- „In den Ferien Blau machen“ – Experimente mit Cyanotypie-PapierFerienworkshop mit Florian Winkler und dem Nachbarschaftszentrum Grone. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- „In den Ferien Blau machen“ – Experimente mit Cyanotypie-Papier Ferienworkshop mit Florian Winkler und dem Nachbarschaftszentrum Grone. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Das Potenzial der Dinge. Workshop mit den Schüler*innen des Max-Planck-Gymnasium und der Künstlerin Camilla Steinum. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Das Potenzial der Dinge. Workshop mit den Schüler*innen des Max-Planck-Gymnasium und der Künstlerin Camilla Steinum. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Upcycling – Handwerk und Gestaltung – Kunstprojektkurs von Lilly Stehling mit Teilnehmer*innen der VHS Göttingen Osterode gGmbH. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen.
- Upcycling – Handwerk und Gestaltung – Kunstprojektkurs von Lilly Stehling mit Teilnehmer*innen der VHS Göttingen Osterode gGmbH. Foto: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen.
- Upcycling – Handwerk und Gestaltung – Kunstprojektkurs von Lilly Stehling mit Teilnehmer*innen der VHS Göttingen Osterode gGmbH. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen.
- Upcycling – Handwerk und Gestaltung – Kunstprojektkurs von Lilly Stehling mit Teilnehmer*innen der VHS Göttingen Osterode gGmbH. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen.
- Odyssee Zukunft – digitale Welten erschaffen mit der Technik der Photogrammetrie. Ein Kunst- und Integrationsprojekt mit den Schüler*innen der BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Odyssee Zukunft – digitale Welten erschaffen mit der Technik der Photogrammetrie. Ein Kunst- und Integrationsprojekt mit den Schüler*innen der BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Odyssee Zukunft – digitale Welten erschaffen mit der Technik der Photogrammetrie. Ein Kunst- und Integrationsprojekt mit den Schüler*innen der BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Odyssee Zukunft – digitale Welten erschaffen mit der Technik der Photogrammetrie. Ein Kunst- und Integrationsprojekt mit den Schüler*innen der BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Odyssee Zukunft – digitale Welten erschaffen mit der Technik der Photogrammetrie. Ein Kunst- und Integrationsprojekt mit den Schüler*innen der BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- Odyssee Zukunft – digitale Welten erschaffen mit der Technik der Photogrammetrie. Ein Kunst- und Integrationsprojekt mit den Schüler*innen der BBS1 Arnoldi-Schule. Image: Peter Heller © Kunstverein Göttingen
- What a Year 2.0 – Jahresausstellung Kunstvermittlung 2020. Image: Peter Heller, © Kunstverein Göttingen.
- Publikation „#kunst“, Satz und Layout Lia A. Eastwood, EASTWOOD DESIGN, ©Copyright Ausgabe Kunstverein Göttingen e.V.
- Publikation „Odyssee Zukunft“, Satz und Layout Lia A. Eastwood, EASTWOOD DESIGN, ©Copyright Ausgabe Kunstverein Göttingen e.V.
- Publikation „Upcycling“, Satz und Layout Lia A. Eastwood, EASTWOOD DESIGN, ©Copyright Ausgabe Kunstverein Göttingen e.V.
- Publikation “#kunst”